Blog about education

Discipline and Self-control in Schools Today

Posted in Parenting by Romana Ibrahim, 5 years ago

A lot of research has been done in the field of discipline. As the environment has changed, so has the way parents and schools handle children. Today children are more extrovert and aware of things around them due to the media. There is more violence and misbehavior. Hence disciplining children is quite a challenge today.

The Ideal Age to send your toddler to Preschool

Posted in Parenting by Romana Ibrahim, 5 years ago

There is no perfect or ideal age at which you child needs to go to a preschool but there are some signs that will tell you if he/she is ready to go. With so many Montessori schools and daycares opening up in different parts of Pakistan, children as old as a few months have been enrolled into them!

Edopia School Of Tomorrow, School For The Students

Posted in News & Updates, Parenting by Romana Ibrahim, 5 years ago

When looking for schools in Islamabad, you will find a great variety. From private to public, from matriculation to O Levels, from affordable to expensive, there are many schools you can enroll your child into. But here is a totally new concept: Edopia. A school that empowers children to become independent learners from the very beginning!

Educators vs. Teachers

Posted in News & Updates, Parenting by Romana Ibrahim, 5 years ago

Are your child’s teachers simply teaching or are they making a marked difference in your child’s life? As a school do you think your teachers are teaching beyond the classroom i.e. morally, socially and intellectually? Read the article to find the difference between an educator and a teacher and some qualities that are found in an educator.

Plagiarism Checking Software

Posted in News & Updates by Romana Ibrahim, 5 years ago

If you are a student and looking for a software for plagiarism checking, look no further. The article offers the comparison of a number of software available online for this purpose. Turnitin is one of the most popular tools today for checking your paper for plagiarism.