Smog is affecting school timings

Urban development is the main source of reducing the Trees from our country which ultimately affecting the natural environment.

The government of Punjab announced change in school timings in a tweet on Tuesday 07-Nov-2017. The new timings for the schools are

Monday to Thursday 9 AM to 2:30 PM

Friday 9 AM to 12:15 PM

Smog is not only affecting the school or office timings but it has severe effect on Flights and transportation industry too.

Due to urban development in Lahore hundreds of trees cut down which is the major cause of the smog. The Punjab government must take serious steps to encounter this problem and come up with a strong plan for the Tree plantation across the province.

Urban development is the main source of reducing the Trees from our country which ultimately affecting the natural environment. Therefore, we as nation let’s stand together to plant a tree per family and bring the happiness back.

Posted in News & Updates by Adil Shahzad on Nov 07, 2017